Odoslať prihláškuŠtudijný plán
Prehľad tém, s ktorými sa stretnete počas štúdia. Kurz sa vyučuje v anglickom jazyku.
Okrem toho si študenti môžu bezplatne doplniť predmety v českom jazyku z ľubovoľnej špecializácie na NEWTON University.
1. semester
Business Administration I
Introduction to Study
Business English and Global Communication Skills I
Psychology for Managers
2. semester
Political and Cultural Aspects of Global Business
Business Administration II
Business English and Global Communication Skills II
Mathematics and Statistics
3. semester
Academic Writing
Basics of Accounting
Basics of Social Psychology for Managers
Human Resources Management
Project Management
International and Area Studies I
Internship Assignment
Optional subject
4. semester
Law for Managers
Strategic Management
Integrated Marketing Communication
International and Area Studies II
Internship I
Optional subject
5. semester
Bachelor Seminar
World Economic and Political Institutions
International Trade
Communication and Presentation Skills
Internship II
Optional subject
6. semester
Bachelor Thesis
State Final Exam
Crisis Management
Ethical Aspects of Management
Optional subject