X‑TREAM MANAGEMENT: strength, endurance, initiation
Everybody sees the fence, you see the hole
Our experts manage simulated situations so you can be efficient, creative and work on survival as part of a team. Become the leader everyone can rely on when it looks like there is no solution.

How do we develop your potential as a better leader and manager?
Cognitive science methods
We apply cutting-edge knowledge from the fields of management, psychology, biology, neuroscience and other disciplines.
Complete diagnostics
We evaluate your personal, mental, psychophysical, and social potential. This will give you the competitive advantage you need.
Systemic and critical thinking development
We focus on mindfulness, resilience, antifragility, and psychological stability. This is the basis for soft and hard skills of every good manager.
Response to various situations
We help you understand how you function as an individual and as a team member or leader, especially under stressful conditions.
What is the training structure?
Comprehensive pre-diagnostic cognitive and personality testing (online)
3 – 5 day intensive outdoor resistance training and stress testing
Consultation on an individual managerial profile and a summary report on the results and performance during the training
What do I get when I complete X‑tream management?
At the end of the training, you will receive a certificate, an open badge (digital credential), an individual managerial profile and a summary report on the results and performance during the training.
Who will be on the teaching team?
PhDr. PaedDr. Eva Ambrozová
PhD, PhDr. Ing. Vratislav Pokorný
doc. Ing. Jiří Koleňák Ph.D.
and other experts in the field
Do you want to know even more?
Read more about X‑tream management training on our blog NEWTON Today.